Friday, February 20, 2015

Does Enterprise Architecture add any value - Elevator Pitch

Enterprise Architecture is an interesting area, where the most commonly asked question is 'Does it add any value to an organisation?". There is an interesting on linked-in on this subject and the responses from architects round the globe are quite enlightening on how they think and would present (or sale) EA to the executive management. 

Architects are often challenged to describe the value that EA provides. What is your go to "elevator pitch

I contributed to the thread by writing these two short stories, preferred to go for using analogy than some boring technical jargan... presenting them below as on the discussion thread they would be hard to find. Let me know what you think?

Story 1: 

G'day Mr CXO, So you need to know why do you need something known as EA (the guy)? Let me share a short story with you... A warship's captain once took his gunship to fight the submarines and only when he ordered 'Fire' he realised his boat was not well equipped to sink the already sunken was too late for him then... the story could have a different end..if the captain had an EA (the guy) ensuring the captain and his crew had the right boat, well equipped with all bells and whistles needed for their 'mission' .. I think this is your floor Mr. CXO

Story 2:

Story 2: G'day Mr CXO, So you need to know why do you need something known as EA (the plan)? Let me share a short story with you... A warship's captain committed to his leaders that he would defend the country at all times, above water or underwater. However he had only fought battles above the water surface. However, one day he learned the enemy is heading towards their waters with submarines, no problemo, he ordered his crew to prepare the boats and this last minute he found besides all his rhetoric neither he had the right vessels nor his crew had the ability to stop the was too late for him then... the story could have a different end..if the captain had an EA (the plan) ensuring the captain had his crew well trained with the right boats, well equipped with all bells and whistles needed for their under the sea 'mission' .. I think this is your floor Mr. CXO